Github repo- AI ML LLM Multimodal code, theory, research, projects


Sharing personal github repo for code, theory, math’s and projects for training on all aspects of #AI, #ML, #datascience research for solving real world problems using classical #supervised and #DeepLearning #NeuralNet based models including #Foundation #LLM and #multimodal models.

Covers #ANN, DNN, #BERT, Finetune LLM #Llama, Mistral, Langchain, #NLP, LDA Topic modelling, tokenization, Recommender Systems, Computer Vision – #CNN, #RNN, Transfer learning, Fully Connected NN, #TimeSeries Forecasting – #ARIMA(X), SARIMA(X), #SyntheticData Generation – using probability distribution sampling

#Optimization – Formulation, excel solver, Genetic Algorithm, Evolutionary search, #Stacking – Vecstack, Dimensionality Reduction – #PCA, LDA, Detailed #EDA using pandas, numpy.

All the best #papers (47) by #Hinton, #Lecun, #Bengio et al

Sample Projects – #Disease #Prediction using Regression Synthetic Data

Other Projects – #RoboAdvisor Algo or building multi-asset portfolio, US Fed FOMC Meeting minutes – Applying NLP algorithms to #Predict #FedFundRates decision

Models built from scratch using #pytorch #tensorflow #keras numpy

Hope this is useful for others in #opensource community. All work in progress, more updates as I finish learning and coding, especially multimodal models.

I’ve also listed some online courses I did from online platforms.